Terms of Reference

Wray Parish Council Neighbourhood Planning Sub-group

The Group
The Neighbourhood Planning group is a formal sub-group of Wray Parish Council, with membership comprising a mix of Parish Councillors and other residents of the Neighbourhood Plan area. 
This group has a fixed job – ie to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for Wray.  It is therefore a task and finish group with a limited lifespan.  If any future reviews/revisions of the eventual Plan are required, it is likely that a new group would be convened (albeit potentially with some of the same members, if they chose to volunteer again).

Terms of Reference
The terms of reference for the group have been agreed by the Parish Council, and are as follows.  To work in conjunction with Wray Parish Council, and where relevant the Wray Development Sub-group, to:
·         Determine the views, needs and priorities of local residents regarding future development (including economic, housing and community development), with particular reference to land-use planning and site prioritisation;
·         Determine how best to take these issues forward in conjunction with local landowners and other key partners (including Lancaster City Council, the Forest of Bowland AoNB, and other statutory agencies) through the vehicle of a Neighbourhood Plan;
·         Provide regular feedback to Wray Parish Council and to local residents on the work and progress of the Sub-group, with the aim of seeking their active involvement at all key stages; and
·         Produce a Neighbourhood Plan for the area which is community led, fairly reflects the views and input received, and meets all the formal requirements for such a plan as set out by Government.

Feedback to Local Residents
It is a Neighbourhood Planning requirement that there is regular feedback to and engagement with local residents.  The Parish Council expects of its Sub-groups that:
·         Agendas and notes of each meeting are posted on the Parish Council notice-board;
·         Agendas and notes of each meeting are posted on the Wray Village website;
·         Copies of any documents produced are posted on the Wray Village website;
·         A hard copy of any document produced is kept for reference, on request, by any resident who does not have access to (or prefers not to use) the village website;
·         Local residents are notified in brief of the activities of the group in the Wrayly Mail, with signposting to the website and Parish Council notice-board for additional information;
·         Where required public meetings are arranged, with the co-operation and involvement of the Parish Council, to allow group progress and/or key issues to be discussed collectively by local residents.
For the Neighbourhood Planning Sub-group it is noted that more detailed proposals on community engagement will be required, including additional activities such as involving existing village groups and institutions, and using other existing outlets (such as the Institute notice-boards and the Friday newsletter).  The overall aim should be to reach out and involve residents in a variety of ways, tailoring this to the nature and preferences of each particular group, with the intention of ensuring each person has a number of opportunities to understand the Neighbourhood Plan as it emerges and to provide their views on it.

Meeting Requirements
There are specific requirements laid down for Parish Council meetings. Although these same requirements do not necessarily apply to the Sub-groups, it is good practice to echo them where practical.
Parish Council sub-groups, in addition to meeting the feedback and transparency requirements above, will meet in a public building.  They will work to a specific agenda, and a public note of each meeting will be taken (with agendas and notes archived by the Parish Council). 
Membership of the sub-groups will not be closed, and any local resident will be free to ask to join the groups at any time.  ‘Occasional’ membership will however not be permitted, since it will be possible for any resident to keep informed of the groups’ work through the mechanisms set out above.  Membership will be seen to carry a commitment to the shared work of the group, and also carry with it an expectation of an active input to that work (as appropriate).  All group members will be expected to declare an interest in any relevant agenda item where appropriate.

Note: Parish Council meetings are public meetings – ie any local resident may attend, but may not speak at the meeting without the express invitation of the Chair.  Sub-group meetings are not public meetings, since they are small working groups with deadlines to meet where general debate/queries can not be readily answered.  Any queries can be addressed to the group secretary and will be dealt with through the agenda/minutes, with personal responses additionally made as appropriate.  

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